There are many advantages of solving riddles for adults . Some of the benefits of solving riddles for adults are mentioned below:
Riddles For Adults Helps In Increasing Intellectual Humor : One of the advantages of solving riddles for adults is that it increases their intellectual humor . Laughter is just good for the soul and when you are learning something new , laughter helps motivate you a little bit more . Thus riddles for adults help in reducing stress.
Riddles For Adults Helps In Fighting Boredom : Riddles for adults help fight boredom . So riddles for adults increase their level of intelligence .
Riddles For Adults Help In Teaching Problem Solving Skills : One of the benefits of solving riddles for adults is that it teaches them poblem solving skills .
Other benefits of solving riddles for adults are mentioned below :
Critical Thinking Skills : Riddles for adults help in increasing critical thinking skills of adults . Critical thinking is a key component which is used to solve riddles for adults . As adults solve riddles they learn how to critically think more in depth which improve comprehension and creativity .
Expands Vocabulary : Solving riddles for adults also benefit them by expanding their vocabulary . They are learning new words and multiple meanings . Thus there are many benefits of solving riddles for adults .
Share Their Knowledge : Riddles for adults give them opportunity to learn new skills and words . They can share these riddles with their friends .
There are other benefits of solving riddles for adults . Benefits of solving riddles for adults are mentioned below :
Riddles For Adults Help In Creating Bonds : By sharing the love of riddles with friends , adults create strong relationship with them .
Riddles For Adults Help In Establishing Love For learning : When adults first begin telling and trying riddles it is a film! . They love it because it makes them laugh and they enjoy figuring out the riddle . Riddles for adults is an activity which help them to make strong bonds with each other .
Riddles for adults
Following are the funny riddles for adults :
- What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment , and never in a thousand years?
ANSWER:The letter M
2. Which tyre does not move when car turns right ?
3. I am not alive but have 5 fingers , what am I ?
ANSWER : A glove
4. Which word is written incorrectly in a dictionary ?
ANSWER : The word is written incorrectly
5. A truck drove to village and met 4 cars . How many vehicles were going to the village ?
ANSWER: One truck
6 . People buy me to eat , but never eat me ?
ANSWER : A plate
7. We kill , and we give life . We are either poison or fruit - You choose . What are we ?
8. Which hand is best for stirring sugar into a cup of tea ?
ANSWER : Its better to use a spoon
9. Feed me , and it will give me life but give me a drink and i will die . What am I ?
10 . Who makes moves while being seated ?
11. What flies when its born , lies when its alive and runs when its dead ?
ANSWER : A Snow Flake
12. What gets wet when drying ?
ANSWER : A Towel
13. The more you take out of it , the bigger it becomes . What is it ?
14. I'M always somewhere between the ground and the sky , always far in the distance , always moving further away if one attempts to come closer ?
ANSWER : The horizon
15. I exist only when there is light , but direct light kills me ?
ANSWER: Shadow
16. What travels around the world staying in the same corner ?
17. Every evening I got my assignment and I always fulfil it . But every time I do , I get scolded ?
ANSWER : AN alarm clock
18 . It only increases and never decreases . What am I ?
ANSWER : Our age
19. Which word would you use if you needed to describe a person who doesn't have all their fingers on one hand ?
ANSWER : You should call him a normal person
20. If a plane crashes right on the border between canada and the united states , where should they bury the survivors ?
ANSWER : No body
Following are some challenging riddles for adults :
1. You have only one match , you have to make a tough choice . What will you light first ?
ANSWER: Light matchstick first
2.what has teeth but cannot eat ?
ANSWER :A comb
3.which table does not have legs?
ANSWER : Vegetable
4.why six is afraid of seven ?
ANSWER: Because seven eight (ate) nine
5.Which is faster , hot, cold ?
ANSWER : Hot ; You can easily catch cold
6. What kind of dog never bites ?
ANSWER: A Hot dog
7. What do tigers have that no other animal have ?
ANSWER: Baby tigers
8. what man cannot live inside a house ?
ANSWER: Snow man
9. What question can you never answer' yes' to ?
ANSWER: Are you dead
10. What is the smallest room in the world ?
ANSWER : Mushroom
11. Forward I am heavy , backward I am not . What am I ?
12. A man in a car can see three doors : A bronze door , silver door and a golden door . Which door should he open first ?
ANSWER: His car door
13. A man is walking along railroad track and sees a train rushing towards him full steam ahead . Instead of immediately getting away from the track , the man runs in the direction of the train for about 15 feet and only then jumps off the track . Why does he do so ?
ANSWER : When the man saw the train he was on a bridge . That"s why he couldn't leave the track right away.
14. Imagine you are in a sinking boat surrounded by sharks . How can you survive ?
ANSWER: Stop imagining right now
15. In south america you cannot take a picture of a person with a wooden leg . Why not?
ANSWER: It is not a camera
16.what is the most popular book among both teens and adults these days?
ANSWER: Facebook
17. why cannot pirate ever finish the alphabet ?
ANSWER : He always get lost at' C'
18. There are 12 fish in a bowl but half of them drowned . How many are left ?
ANSWER: 12 Fishes
19. I have clawed feet but I'm not a bear . I have wings but I'm not a bird . I have s cales but I am not a reptiles . Who am I ?
ANSWER: A dragon fly
20. what do you call a snail on a boat ?
ANSWER: A snailor
Riddles For Adult
Following are some of the easy riddles for adults :
1. My mom is a dog .My dad is a banana .Who am I ?
Answer; A chiweenie
2.Where can you see how popular a spider is ?
Answer: On a website
3. When you get me ,I can either be really painful or a super delicious drink. What am I ?
Answer: Punch
4.Can you write "eleven thousand eleven hundred and eleven in digits ?
Answer: 12111
5. I fit in really well with others but I can't talk . I create pictures but I can't see . What am I ?
Answer : A puzzle piece
6. All five sisters are busy. Rose is drawing. Ann is cooking . liza is playing chess, and mary is doing a puzzle . What's samantha doing ?
Answer : samantha is playing chess with liza
7. I am easy to lift but hard to throw . What am I ?
ANSWER : A Feather
8. Why did the orange stop in the middle of the road ?
Answer : It ran out of juice
9. what's black and white and red all over ?
Answer : A zebra with a sunburn .
10. What kind of silence is bad for your ears ?
Answer : Deafening silence , of course
11. What did the left hand say the right hand after they 'd written a test ?
Answer: Why do you always have to be right ?
12. What word do all dictionaries spell wrong ?
Answer : Wrong
13. What does a rain cloud put under its raincoat ?
Answer : Its thunderwear
14. Why is europe like a frying pan ?
Answer : Because there 's Greece at the bottom
15. What treat is never ever on time ?
Answer : Chocolate
16. Why shouldn't you tell a joke on ice ?
Answer : Because it will crack up
17. I'M vital for life , yet I can take your breath away. I'M both around you and in you. What am I ?
Answer : water
18. What hard rock group consists of four guys , none of whom play
a single instrument ?
Answer :Mount rushmore
19. I can bring a smile to your face , a tear to your eye , and a thought to your mind . What am I ?
Answer : Your past
20.I start with T,End with T,And I am full of T .What am I ?
Answer : A tea pot
1. My life is measured in hours.I serve by dying .When i am thin ,I am fast.When i am fat, I am slow .Wind is my biggest enemy.What am I ?
Answer: A candle
2. what is yours but is used more often by your friends and family?
Answer: Your name.
3.I always drive my customers away .Who am I?
Answer: Taxi driver
4.How did the sheriff find the missing barber ?
Answer: He combed the town.
5.The more you take , the more is left behind you . What is it ?
Answer : Foot steps
6. What room do ghosts avoid ?
Answer : The living room
7. What's black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it ?
Answer : Charcoal
8. Can you rearrange the letters
O O U S W T D N E J R to spell just one word ?
Answer : Just one word
9. What's more useful when its broken ?
Answer : An egg
10. They have no feathers , no scales , no flesh, and no bone .Yet they somehow have fingers and thumbs of their own . W hat are they ?
Answer : A pair of gloves
11. Poor people have it . Rich people need it . But if you eat it , you will die . What is it ?
Answer : Nothing
12. What did mrs. claus say to her husband when she looked at the sky ?
Answer : It looks like rain .
13. I'm full of holes but I can still hold water . What am I ?
Answer : A sponge
14. I can be made , and I can be cracked . I can also be told and played . What am I ?
Answer : A joke
15. You are freezing , but you have three stoves ; A wood stove , A coal stove , and a gas stove . What should you light first ?
Answer : A match
16. What can you throw but not catch ?
Answer : A party
17. How much dirt is there in a hole exactly one foot deep and one foot wide ?
Answer : A hole is empty .
18. Johny , the farmer had seven chickens . All but seven died . How many does he have now ?
Answer : Seven
19. Why did the woman put sugar cubes under her pillow ?
Answer : To have sweet dreams
20. Do you say " Eight and five are twelve " or "Eight and five is twelve " ?
Answer : Neither . Eight and five is thirteen .
Following are some of the toughest riddles for adults .
1. What room has no doors , no walls , no floor , and no ceiling ?
Answer : A mushroom
2. what nail does a carpenter hate to hit with his hammer ?
Answer : His thumbnail
3. Why did the lady throw the clock out the window ?
Answer : she wanted to see how time flies .
4. What has arms and legs but no head ?
Answer : A Chair
5. Why is it hard for a leopard to hide ?
Answer : Because its always spotted .
6. What pet makes the loudest noise ?
Answer : Trumpet
7. Can you name four days which start with letter T ?
Answer : Tuesday , thursday , today and tomorrow .
8. What type of dress can never be worn ?
Answer : An address
9. What has an eye but can never see ?
Answer : A needle
10. What has an ear but cannot hear ?
Answer : A corn
11. What has teeth but cannot chew ?
Answer : A comb
12. Who can jump higher than a house ?
Answer ; Anyone . A house can't jump .
13. If I have it, I don't share it . If I share it I don't have it . What is it ?
Answer :A secret
14. What's so delicate that even mentioning it breaks it ?
Answer ; Silence
15. Why is the math book sad ?
Answer: Because it has problems .
16. I have eighty - eight keys but i can't open a single door . What am I ?
Answer : A piano
17. What english word has three consecutive double letters ?
Answer : Bookkeeper
18. What word becomes shorter even when you add 2 more letters to it ?
Answer : Short
19. What five letter word , no matter hoew you pronounce it , is always pronounced wrong ?
Answer ; Wrong
20. What disappears coming from there to here and reappears going from here to there ?